• Do you know over 90% of our communication is non verbal, by that I mean non spoken word? • Body language as in eye movements, hand gestures, use of interpersonal space etc. makes up 57% of our communication. Voice, tone, timbre, delivery, etc being 33% • Actual speech, as in words, comes in at a paltry 10%- some say less than that... • Are you communicating to your 100%...?
My business life as a Media Entertainer finds me utilising body language as a necessity every day to a high level.
I also use those skills with both individuals and companies who are striving to find the edge in their business and in their life.
Also delighted to be working with "the future," eg, students from Kings College London amongst others. See above right and videos below. I've worked with many different corporations of all sizes and extensively within the law departments including SOM Mediation Project, Clerksroom opposite the Royal Courts of Justice, individuals such as Cherie Blair QC Bill Braithwaite QC, senior barrister: Jonathan Dingle FRSA and Captain Steve Malcolm OBE RNA.
Welcome to my fast track, super highway for mastering communication.
I believe that our most powerful and universal language is being under-used and I aim to address that balance.
Here on the left you see the typical "presenters" pose, cheesy I know, but for demo purposes this pose is welcoming whether you like cheese or not !
But why is it welcoming, can you spot the 3 points of body language that make this so...?